Friday 10 February 2017

BTS - 'Spring Day': Theories UPDATE

I thought I'd make this post just to update on some new theories and ideas regarding BTS' Spring Day teaser. This is because there have been new theories and ideas relating to somethings that I couldn't explain and also ideas linking Spring Day and Not Today.

So the first one is about Jimin and the shoes. People seemed to think that the shoes tied up on the tree were a sign of someone who has died, therefore linking it to Jin, who is believed to have died in BTS' story.
This theory seems to make sense, however if we go off the plotline for The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, no one is dead and there is a suffering child.

Another thing people were saying, was that the shoes were Jin's since he hasn't worn any (in the concept pictures) since HYYH Pt 1 all the way up until WINGS.

Honestly there could be so many meanings behind the shoes. It's not currently clear what thay could represent. It could also be possible that they don't mean anything and it's simple BTS and BigHit being Tumblr, as usual.

The other thing was that people seemed to be interested in the "NO VACANCY" sign outside the "Omelas Motel". 

ARMYs linked this to a movie with the same title. 

In the movie, seven friends are on their way to Las Vegas, when they're car breaks down. They walk to the nearest motel, where they find a group of people. They say they'll help but they end murdering four of the friends, leaving only three alive.
People have linked this to the Not Today teaser, because we can see three of the members; Jin, Jungkook and Jimin at the very front of the group. It looks as if they are seperate to the others.

There are to many theories at the minute and without seeing the full MVs I can't properly piece them together and make anything solid. We'll just have to wait and see what the MVs have to offer!

Do you have any theories? Which ones are your favourite?

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