Sunday 12 February 2017

BTS - 'Spring Day' MV

Today was the day that BTS finally released their new MV and new album. Spring Day was released today, shortly after the preview show.

The song has currently caused MeLon to be unresponsive. So many ARMYs were streaming the song off the site, that it has now crashed. The MV (on YouTube) now has (and is currently stuck on) 494,487 views and 530,000+ likes

Spring Day is an alternative hip hop track with a combination of British rock sentiments and electronic sound. Rap Monster composed the key melody of the song.

Ok, so I'm now going to talk about what I noticed. I'll start with the things that seemed most significant and stood out to me.

So the first thing, was Jimin and the shoes (once again). I noticed that in almost every solo shot of Jimin, there were the shoes near him or in his hands. He picked them up on the beach and seemed to carry them with him.
If I were to come up with any theory to do with this, I would say that Jimin found the shoes on the beach and carried them with him. He then told the boys that he wanted to go the tree, seen at the end of the MV, and tie them there. I think he wanted to go there because he seemed to be leading them to the tree.

The second thing that looked important, was Jungkook. At around the middle of the MV, we see Jungkook running through the train carriage, then the motel, then the train carriage again, then the laundry room and finally ends up in the corridor outside the train. The first thing is that all these are the same places that RapMon walked through. Could Jungkook be following RapMon? But the other thing was just after that when the train goes past.

Jungkook was on that train and saw himself on the platform with the other members. I also just realised that during RapMon's rap he walked past Jungkook in the carriage.

I didn't really understand this one, but I'm throwing it in here anyway. The sections of the members sitting on the mountain of clothes. I honestly have no idea why that's in there and it could just be BigHit being aesthetic as usual, but they seemed kind of unusual and almost out of place.

The final scene with the tree was interesting. There's a wide shot of BTS standing infront of the tree and it looks to be during the Winter season. However, it quickly changes into, what looks like, the Spring season. It would make sense, since that's the title of the song.

There's always something that seems to link Jin and V. In WINGS, V covered Jin's eyes and he saw the statue. This time V is almost imitating Jin. They both hold up their fingers to form a sort of square. 

I don't know the exact meaning of this, but I do know that people tend to do this when they're taking picture and trying to find the right shot. This most likely has nothing to do with it, but they're could be a reason behind it.

After saying all this, I have come to the conclusion that the whole MV could potentially be a dream. In all the shots of Jungkook on the train, they never show the rest of the carriage, just the corner which he is sitting in.

But then towards the end of the MV, it looks like Jungkook is waking up and the camera pans out to show the other members. JHope is also seen waking up Jimin.

Overall, BTS didn't fail to bring a new and exciting album, for ARMYs to enjoy. The MV for Spring Day is beautiful and I can't wait for the Not Today MV to come out!

What did you think of the MV? Did I miss anything, if so let me know!

Friday 10 February 2017

BTS - 'Spring Day': Theories UPDATE

I thought I'd make this post just to update on some new theories and ideas regarding BTS' Spring Day teaser. This is because there have been new theories and ideas relating to somethings that I couldn't explain and also ideas linking Spring Day and Not Today.

So the first one is about Jimin and the shoes. People seemed to think that the shoes tied up on the tree were a sign of someone who has died, therefore linking it to Jin, who is believed to have died in BTS' story.
This theory seems to make sense, however if we go off the plotline for The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, no one is dead and there is a suffering child.

Another thing people were saying, was that the shoes were Jin's since he hasn't worn any (in the concept pictures) since HYYH Pt 1 all the way up until WINGS.

Honestly there could be so many meanings behind the shoes. It's not currently clear what thay could represent. It could also be possible that they don't mean anything and it's simple BTS and BigHit being Tumblr, as usual.

The other thing was that people seemed to be interested in the "NO VACANCY" sign outside the "Omelas Motel". 

ARMYs linked this to a movie with the same title. 

In the movie, seven friends are on their way to Las Vegas, when they're car breaks down. They walk to the nearest motel, where they find a group of people. They say they'll help but they end murdering four of the friends, leaving only three alive.
People have linked this to the Not Today teaser, because we can see three of the members; Jin, Jungkook and Jimin at the very front of the group. It looks as if they are seperate to the others.

There are to many theories at the minute and without seeing the full MVs I can't properly piece them together and make anything solid. We'll just have to wait and see what the MVs have to offer!

Do you have any theories? Which ones are your favourite?

BTS - 'Not Today' MV Teaser

BigHit continue to tease us with a new teaser, this one for Not Today. I was so happy when I found out that were releasing two MVs, because that means I was right! I'm still hoping for third one for A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone, however it seems unlikely.

Anyway, I did a similar thing, as I did for the Spring Day MV teaser and I looked for hints and references. Although there wasn't much I could find out, since the teaser was 30 seconds long, I did find some things.

So the first thing I noticed was actually towards the end of the teaser. When BTS are running away from the people in black clothing. I could potentially be wrong here and the people are running with BTS and are being led by them. But either way they reminded me of the people they performed for in Fire.

The other thing I noticed was the teaser itself and the colours of it, in contrast to the colours of Spring Day. I think a few people may have noticed or pointed this out already, but Not Today, seems represent the pink version of the album and Spring Day represents the green album.

And the last thing I noticed was the very end, when the static appeared. There was something that flashed on the screen for a second. I noticed it straight away and knew it would be some sort of reference or clue. However, after 5 minutes of trying to find the right frame, I got the screenshot and noticed that it didn't clearly show anything. There's something there, but I'm not exactly sure what it could be.

I've left the seconds in the screenshot so you guys can try and see if you can figure out what it is, or potentially get a better screenshot. 

Those are all the references and hints I got from the teaser. I know there isn't as many as Spring Day, but this was only a 30 second teaser.

I'm even more excited for the album to drop and I'm still gonna pray for that third MV!

What do you think? Are you most excited for Spring Day or Not Today?

Thursday 9 February 2017

BTS - 'Spring Day' MV Teaser

Today was the day that BigHit released the first teaser for Spring Day. From the start of the MV I started to notice small hints and references to old MVs and previous storylines. I think this story is about the boys revisiting their youth and remembering the things that got them to where they are, which links to all the references and hints.

The first thing I noticed was the motel. There's two things I noticed about the motel and one of them was that it reminded of the motel the boys are seen in, in I Need U. 

As we know the boys are in the motel and are clearly troubled. Maybe they're revisiting it and see what they were like back then and how they were.

But then I looked up the name of the motel, Omelas. It turns out that, the name of the motel has the same name of another book. This one is called The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas. The book basically has no plot, but is still considered a short story. The story includes deliberately vague and vivid descriptions. However it says the story's "plot", so to speak, is about a utopian city called, Omelas, where people's happiness relies on the suffering of a single child.
This can be linked to Jin, who is the suffering child and the others rely on his suffering to be happy. It seems this book gives reason to BTS' story and all the different story lines and how they never seen to completely fit together.

Another thing I noticed was, there were several shots of the members in small groups or pairs. As we know they have a habit of switching pairs, with Jin always on his own. Could they be switching again? 

There was also one scene that reminded me of Save ME. It was quite brief but that's what I thought of when I first saw it. It could reference something else to.

There were also a lot of references back to the train, which is featured in both Run and I Need U.

There was also the scene with Jungkook and the matches, which reminded me of the lighter, seen in I Need U, Run and Fire.

Finally, Jimin standing on the beach, made me think of the boys when they went to the beach, after Jin suggested going there, in the Prologue.

There were two things, that I couldn't make a direct link to MVs though. Jungkook infront of the carousel or merry-go-round and Jimin with the shoes.

Jungkook's seems to reference the book, more than BTS themselves. Although You Never Walk Alone is written on the carousel, the storyline of the book, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, depicts a summer festival in the city. It could be suggested that the carousel has something to do with the festival.

However, I can't seem to make any kind of link with Jimin and the shoes. They seem significant somehow, since they are later shown in the teaser, this time tied to a tree. I'm not sure what they show or reference.

Either way, the song sounded really good and I'm excited to see what BTS' last instalment to the story has to offer!

Are you guys excited?

Monday 6 February 2017

Block B - Yesterday

Block B's new song Yesterday came out yesterday! I just finished listening to it for the first time and I love it!

This time Block B's MV featured lots of bright colours and it had a general light hearted feel. The song itself was happy and very cute.

In the MV the members are shown falling head over heals for a woman who doesn't love the back and seems to be playing hard to get. I personally love the randomness of the video and the way Block B is shown throughout the video is very cute.

Although they can't have the girl, that doesn't stop them from loving her.

What do you think of Block B's new song? What's your favourite song on the album?